The latest additions to this web site




December 21, 2024HomiliesFebruary 23 - Year C: 7th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 6: 27-38
November 5, 2024HomiliesJanuary 26 - Year C: 3rd Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 1: 1-4; 14-21
October 7, 2024HomiliesJanuary 12 - Year C: Baptism of the Lord - Luke 3: 15-16.21-22
August 3, 2024HomiliesSeptember 22 - Year B: 25th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 9: 30-37
July 10, 2024HomiliesSeptember 8 - Year B: 23rd Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 7: 31-37
June 28, 2024HomiliesSeptember 1 - Year B: 22nd Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 7: 1-8.14-15.21-23
June 15, 2024HomiliesAugust 4 - Year B: 18th Sunday of ordinary time - John 6: 24-35
May 26, 2024ResourcesMatthean notion of faith: Mt 14:22-33. A study by Andreas Dettwiler.
May 7, 2024ResourcesMatthew as interpreter of miracle stories. A summary by L. L'Éplattenier of a study by J.H. Held (Matthäus als Interpret des Wundergeschichten)
April 18, 2024HomiliesJune 16 - Year B: 11th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 4: 26-34
March 12, 2024HomiliesJune 9 - Year B: 10th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 3: 30-35
February 3, 2024ResourcesOded Borowski, Daily Life in Biblical Times. Atlanta: Journal of Biblical Literature, 2003, 160 p.
January 24, 2024ResourcesThe Israelite agricultural calendar
December 5, 2023ResourcesChart: Periods of archaeology and the history of Israel
November 29, 2023ResourcesMap of roads in Palestine in the OT period
November 25, 2023ResourcesMap of The Near East from 1200 to 538 BC
October 17, 2023HomiliesDecember 24th - Year B: 4th Sunday of Advent - Luke 1: 26-38
September 25, 2023ResourcesJohn P. Meier, What can we conclude about the synoptic parables?, A Marginal Jew, v. 5: Probing the Authenticity of the Parables
September 16, 2023HomiliesNovember 2nd - Year A: All The Faithful Departed - John 6: 37-40
September 2, 2023ResourcesJohn P. Meier, What do the parables reveal about the historical Jesus?, A Marginal Jew, v. 5: Probing the Authenticity of the Parables
August 9, 2023HomiliesOctober 29 - Year A: 30th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 22: 34-40
July 14, 2023HomiliesOctober 22 - Year A: 29th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 22: 15-21
July 11, 2023ResourcesJohn P. Meier, Which parables can be traced back to the historical Jesus?, A Marginal Jew, v. 5: Probing the Authenticity of the Parables
June 25, 2023ResourcesJohn P. Meier, Does the Coptic Gospel of Thomas offer us information independent of the Synoptics?, A Marginal Jew, v. 5: Probing the Authenticity of the Parables
June 18, 2023HomiliesSeptember 17 - Year A: 24th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 18: 21-35
June 5, 2023HomiliesSeptember 10 - Year A: 23rd Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 18: 15-20
June 3, 2023ResourcesJohn P. Meier, What are the problems associated with the synoptic parables?, A Marginal Jew, v. 5: Probing the Authenticity of the Parables
May 21, 2023ResourcesJohn P. Meier, The Paraboles: How Do They Fit into the Quest for the Historical Jesus, A Marginal Jew, v. 5: Probing the Authenticity of the Parables
May 18th, 2023HomiliesJuly 30 - Year A: 17th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 13: 44-52
May 14th, 2023HomiliesJuly 16 - Year A: 15th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 13: 1-23
May 5th, 2023HomiliesJuly 9 - Year A: 14th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 11: 25-30
April 26, 2023HomiliesJuly 2 - Year A: 13th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 10: 37-42
April 25, 2023ResourcesLexicon of Greek-French words from the Gospels-Acts
March 29, 2023HomiliesJune 29 - Year A: Peter and Paul, apostles - Matthew 16: 13-19
March 26, 2023HomiliesJune 18 - Year A: 11th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 9: 36 - 10: 8
March 10, 2023ResourcesQ Document: The Greek text, its translation and some comments
January 26 2023HomiliesFebruary 26 - Year A: 1st Sunday of Lent - Matthew 4: 1-11
January 24, 2023HomiliesFebruary 19 - Year A: 7th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 5: 38-48
January 1, 2023HomiliesJanuary 15 - Year A: 2nd Sunday of ordinary time - John 1: 29-34
December 11, 2022ResourcesAnalysis of Luke 10:1-20 - The sending of the Seventy-Two
November 11, 2022GlossaryDemon, Devil, Satan
October 28, 2022HomiliesDecember 4 - Year A: 2nd Sunday of Advent - Matthew 3: 1-12
October 22, 2022HomiliesNovember 13 - Year C: 33rd Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 21: 5-19
October 15, 2022HomiliesNovember 6 - Year C: 32nd Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 20: 27-38
October 10, 2022HomiliesOctober 23 - Year C: 30th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 18: 9-14
October 6, 2022ResourcesRaymond E. Brown, An Introduction to the New Testament, Part IV: The Other New Testament Writings
August 24, 2022ResourcesThe geography of Jesus' ministry
July 27, 2022ResourcesRaymond E. Brown, An Introduction to the New Testament, Part III: The Pauline Letters
June 25, 2022HomiliesJuly 3 - Year C: 14th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 10: 1-12.17-20
May 5, 2022ResourcesMap of Roman Empire Roads at the Time of s. Paul
April 12, 2022ResourcesPauline Chronology according to two approches' types
April 11, 2022ResourcesPaul's Activities In The Letters And Acts
March 13, 2022ResourcesRaymond E. Brown, An Introduction to the New Testament, Part II: The Gospels and the Related Works
February 20, 2022ResourcesTable of Passages from Luke with their Probable Sources
January 26, 2022ResourcesRaymond E. Brown, An Introduction to the New Testament, Part I: Preliminaries For Understanding The New Testament
January 14, 2022ResourcesChronology of the New Testament Milieu
December 23, 2021HomiliesFebruary 27 - Year C: 8th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 6: 39-45
November 11, 2021ResourcesRaymond E. Brown, Overall View of Judas Iscariot in The Death of the Messiah, Appendix 4
November 7, 2021ResourcesRaymond E. Brown, Dating the Crucifixion (Day, Monthly Date, Year) in The Death of the Messiah, Appendix 2
November 1, 2021ResourcesRaymond E. Brown, Gospel of Peter. A noncanonical passion narrative in The Death of the Messiah, Appendix 1
August 15, 2021HomiliesOctobre 3 - Year B: 27th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 10: 2-16
April 7, 2021ResourcesRaymond E. Brown, The Birth of the Messiah. New York: Doubleday, 1977, 594 p.
January 12, 2021ResourcesAnalysis of Matthew 2: 1-12 - The Story of the Magi
July 27, 2020HomiliesAugust 9 - Year A: 19th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 14: 22-33
January 31, 2020HomiliesFebruary 9 - Year A: 5th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 5: 13-16
January 8, 2020GlossaryGlory in the Bible
October 20, 2019GlossaryClothing in the New Testament
September 11, 2019HomiliesJune 24 - Year C: Nativity of John the Baptist - Luke 1: 57-66.80
August 22, 2019MapTopography of Palestine in the time of Jesus
July 19, 2019GlossaryBlessing in the Old Testament
June 30, 2019GlossaryJohn the Baptist
November 25, 2018GlossarySeptuagint
November 17, 2018HomiliesNovember 11 - Year B: 32nd Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 12: 38-44
July 20, 2018HomiliesAugust 12 - Year B: 19th Sunday of ordinary time - John 6: 41-51
May 20, 2018HomiliesMay 20, 2018 - Year B: Pentecost - John 15: 26-27; 16: 12-15
March 11, 2018ResourcesL'ensevelissement de Jésus, troisième partie : le jour du sabbat; le garde au sépulcre, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
March 4, 2018ResourcesL'ensevelissement de Jésus, deuxième partie : on dépose le corps dans un tombeau, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
February 21, 2018ResourcesL'ensevelissement de Jésus, première partie : Joseph réclame le corps, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
February 14, 2018ResourcesJésus est crucifié, quatrième partie : événements après la mort de Jésus : b. Réactions des gens présents, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
February 7, 2018ResourcesJésus est crucifié, quatrième partie : événements après la mort de Jésus : a. Effets extérieurs, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
January 28, 2018ResourcesJésus est crucifié, troisième partie : les derniers événements, la mort, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
January 12, 2018ResourcesJésus est crucifié, deuxième partie : les activités autour de la croix, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
January 3, 2018ResourcesJésus est crucifié, première partie : le cadre, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
December 25, 2017ResourcesÉpisode de transition : Jésus est conduit pour être crucifié, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
December 23, 2017ResourcesIntroduction : structure de la crucifixion et récit de l'ensevelissement, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 2
November 26, 2017ResourcesLes moqueries romaines et les injures à l'égard de Jésus, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
November 19, 2017ResourcesLe procès romain, quatrième partie : condamnation de Jésus, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
November 10, 2017ResourcesLe procès romain, troisième partie : Barabbas, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
October 29, 2017HomiliesNovember 5, 1917 - Year A: 31st Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 23: 1-12
September 17, 2017ResourcesLe procès romain, deuxième partie : Jésus devant Hérode, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
September 14, 2017ResourcesLe procès romain, première partie : interrogatoire initial par Pilate, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
September 3, 2017ResourcesIntroduction : arrière plan du procès romain de Jésus devant Ponce Pilate, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
August 13, 2017HomiliesAugust 20, 1917 - Year A: 20th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 15: 21-28
June 16, 2017ResourcesJudas, le chef des prêtres, et le prix du sang innocent, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
June 3, 2017ResourcesLa fin du procès devant le Sanhédrin; le renvoi à Pilate, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
May 28, 2017ResourcesLes trois reniements de Jésus par Pierre, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
April 30, 2017ResourcesLes injures des Juifs et les moqueries à l'égard de Jésus, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
April 21, 2017HomiliesMay 7, 1917 - Year A: 4th Sunday of Easter - John 10: 1-10
September 5, 2016HomiliesSeptember 11, 2016 - Year C: 24th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 15: 1-32
July 10, 2016ResourcesAnalyse couvrant les quatre parties du procès devant le Sanhédrin, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
July 8, 2016ResourcesLe procès devant le Sanhédrin, quatrième partie : réaction des autorités juives à la réponse de Jésus, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
June 4, 2016ResourcesLe procès devant le Sanhédrin, troisième partie : réponse(s) de Jésus et affirmation sur le Fils de l'homme, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
May 9, 2016HomiliesJune 5, 2016 - Year C: 10th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 7: 11-17
February 13, 2016ResourcesLe procès devant le Sanhédrin, deuxième partie : question(s) sur le Messie, le Fils de Dieu, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
February 6, 2016ResourcesLe procès devant le Sanhédrin, première partie : le rassemblement des autorités, les témoins et la déclaration de Jésus qu'il détruirait le temple, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
January 22, 2016ResourcesÉpisode de transition : Jésus est remis aux autorités juives; interrogation par Anne, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
January 9, 2016HomiliesJanuary 17, 2016 - Year C: 2nd Sunday of ordinary time - John 2: 1-11
October 25, 2015ResourcesIntroduction : arrière plan du procès juif / interrogation de Jésus par les autorités sacerdotales, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
October 4, 2015HomiliesOctober 11, 2015 - Year B: 28th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 10: 17-30
August 8, 2015ResourcesAnalyse couvrant les trois parties de l'arrestation de Jésus, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
August 7, 2015ResourcesL'arrestation de Jésus, troisième partie : la fuite nue d'un jeune homme, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
August 3, 2015ResourcesL'arrestation de Jésus, deuxième partie : les incidents connexes, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
July 30, 2015ResourcesL'arrestation de Jésus, première partie : la rencontre initiale, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
July 4, 2015HomiliesJuly 2015 5 - Year B: 14th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 6: 1-6
May 23, 2015ResourcesAnalyse couvrant les cinq parties de la prière de Jésus à Gethsémani, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
May 16, 2015ResourcesPrière à Gethsémani, partie cinq: Jésus revient vers ses disciples pour la deuxième et troisième fois, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
May 10, 2015ResourcesPrière à Gethsémani, quatrième partie : Jésus revient vers ses disciples pour la première fois, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
May 3, 2015ResourcesPrière à Gethsémani, troisième partie : l'ange du réconfort, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
April 25, 2015ResourcesPrière à Gethsémani, deuxième partie : Jésus prie le Père, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
April 18, 2015ResourcesPrière à Gethsémani, première partie : entrée et préparation, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
April 11, 2015ResourcesÉpisode de transition: Jésus se rend au mont des Oliviers avec ses disciples, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
April 4, 2015HomiliesApril 26, 2015 - Year B: 4th Sunday of Easter - John 10: 11-18
February 7, 2015ResourcesFlorilège des écrits d'Etty Hillesum
February 4, 2015ResourcesLes problèmes évangéliques généraux relatifs aux récits de la passion, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
January 4, 2015ResourcesLa perspective de ce commentaire, de R. E. Brown, From Gethsemane to the Grave: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels. v. 1
December 27, 2014HomiliesJanuary 18, 2015 - Year B: 2nd Sunday of ordinary time - John 1: 35-42
October 14, 2014GospelNovember 23, 2014 - Year A: Christ the King - Matthew 25: 31-46
September 21, 2014ResourcesLorraine Caza, « Le relief que Mark a donné au cri de la croix » Science et Esprit, XXXIX / 2 (1987) 171-191.
September 12, 2014ResourcesMichel Gourgues, « Croce », dans G. Ravasi, R. Penna, G. Perego (ed.), Dizionario dei Temi Teologici della Bibbia. Balsamo: Edizioni San Paolo, 2010, pp. 254-262.
September 7, 2014HomiliesSeptember 14, 2014 - Year A: Exaltation of the Holy Cross - John 3: 13-17
August 23, 2014ResourcesMichel Gourgues, Le crucifié. Du scandale à l'exaltation, Montréal - Paris: Bellarmin - Desclée (Jésus et Jésus-Christ, 38), 1988, 178 p.
May 20, 2014HomiliesJune 15, 2014 - Year A: Holy Trinity - John 3: 16-18