This section aims to offer knowledge about Jesus, the Gospels, and the whole New Testament and its environment. This knowledge is not directly related to the actualization of the Gospels, but is intended to provide additional information. Above all, it seeks to give a certain New Testament culture. In this sense, they are on the fringe of our discussion of the Gospel commentaries.
In priority, we will find references to what biblical scholars have written on subjects related to the life of Jesus or to passages from the New Testament. Usually, it is a detailed summary of their works: I wanted to avoid too technical debates, but at the same time to give the essence of their arguments. On a few occasions, it is the full text that I present; this will be indicated. In addition to the writings of specialists, I have inserted texts that are considered sources in the New Testament milieu or that help to understand it.
Those who have read the works mentioned will find either a reminder of the important points of their reading, or some clarification. Those who have not read them will find a quick way to get a glimpse of them. I hope to shed some light on a world that is two thousand years old.