Raymond E. Brown, An Introduction of the New Testament. New-Haven-London: Yale University Press, 1997, 936 p. (Detailed summary) Raymond E. Brown was born on May 22, 1928 in New York City, Bronx. After high school in Miami, where the family of two boys had moved, he entered the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., where he earned his Master of Arts degree in Philosophy in 1949. He studied at the Gregorian University in Rome (1949-50). In 1951, he entered the Sulpician Society after receiving his bachelor's degree (1951) and his licentiate (1953) in sacred theology from St. Mary's Seminary and University of Baltimore. He was ordained a priest on May 23, 1953 in the Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida and received his doctorate in theology in 1958 at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. In 1958-59, he spent time in Jerusalem and Jordan working on the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 1963 he received his Licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. From 1971 to 1990 he was professor of biblical studies at the Protestant Union Theological Seminary in New York, where he became professor emeritus. He was appointed to the Pontifical Biblical Commission in 1972 and 1996. President of several biblical associations, such as the Catholic Biblical Association, the Society of Biblical Literature (1976-7) and the Society of New Testament Studies (1986-7), he is considered one of the most important American biblical scholars. He holds 24 honorary doctorates from American and European universities, including Protestant institutions. He died of a heart attack at St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park, California, on August 8, 1998, after retiring from teaching to devote himself to research at the age of 70. His latest book, A Retreat With John the Evangelist: That You May Have Life (St. Anthony Messenger Press), was published a day before his death. Raymond Brown became known for his research on the Gospel of John, of which he published a commentary in 1966 and 1970, and for his studies of the Johannine community in 1979. Among his many publications are the following:
The following attempts to summarize his commentary on The Birth of the messiah. An Introduction to the New Testament Useful Information About the Bible as a Whole Part I: Preliminaries For Understanding The New Testament Chapter 2: How to Read the Testament Chapter 3: The Text of the New Testament Chapter 4: The Political And Social World Of New Testament Times Chapter 5: The Religious And Philosophical World Of New Testament Times Part II: The Gospels and the Related Works Chapter 7: Gospel according to Mark Chapter 8: Gospel according to Matthew Chapter 9: Gospel according to Luke Chapter 10: The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 11: Gospel according to John Chapter 12: First Epistle (Letter) of John Chapter 13: Second Letter of John Chapter 14: Third Letter of John Part III: The Pauline Letters Chapter 16: General Issues In Paul's Life And Thought Chapter 17: An Appreciation of Paul Chapter 18: First Letter to Thessalonians Chapter 19: Letter to the Galatians Chapter 20: Letter to the Philippians Chapter 21: Letter to Philemon Chapter 22: First Letter to the Corinthians Chapter 23: Second Letter to the Corinthians Chapter 24: Letter to the Romans Chapter 25: Pseudonymity And The Deuteropauline Writings Chapter 26: Second Letter to the Thessalonians Chapter 27: Letter to the Colossians Chapter 28: Epistle (Letter) to the Ephesians Chapter 29: Pastoral Letter: to Titus Chapter 30: Pastoral Letter: the First to Timothy Chapter 31: Pastoral Letter: the Second to Timothy Part IV: The Other New Testament Writings Chapter 33: First Letter of Peter Chapter 34: Letter (Epistle) of James Chapter 35: Letter (Epistle) of Jude Chapter 36: Second Letter of Peter Chapter 37: The Book Of Revelation (The Apocalypse) Appendices |