Reference | Content |
1: 1 - 2: 52 | The Infancy Narrative |
3: 1-2a | Date of Jesus' ministry |
3: 2b - 6 | Entrance of John the Baptist |
3: 7-9 | Warnings of John the Baptist |
3: 10-15 | John the Baptist's instructions; questioning if he is not the Messiah |
3: 16-17 | John the Baptist's promise of another to come |
3: 18 - 22 | Arrest of John the Baptist by Herod, baptism of Jesus |
3: 23-38 | Genealogy of Jesus |
4: 1 | Jesus in the desert to be tempted |
4: 2-13 | Three temptations (tests) of Jesus by the devil |
4: 14-15 | Jesus' debut in Galilee |
4: 16-30 | Preaching of Jesus in Nazareth and failure |
4: 31-44 | Teaching, healings (demoniac, mother-in-law, many) |
5: 1-11 | Miraculous fishing |
5: 12 - 6: 11 | Healings (leper, paralytic), call of Levi, meal with sinners, fasting (new/old), plucked ears of corn, healing of paralyzed hand |
6: 12-16 | Call of the Twelve |
6: 17-19 | Jesus and the crowd |
6: 20a | Jesus looks up to his disciples |
6: 20b-23 | Beatitudes |
6: 24-26 | Curses |
6: 27-30 | Love of enemies; do not resist evil; give |
6: 31 | Golden rule: what you want others to do... |
6: 32-33 | Love; be merciful |
6: 34-35a | Lend without return |
6: 35b-36 | Be merciful |
6: 37a.38c | Do not judge; the measure given is the measure received |
6: 37b.38ab | Forgive; give |
6: 39-40 | A blind man as a guide; the disciple and the master |
6: 41-42 | A twig in a brother's eye, a beam in his |
6: 43-45 | A good tree does not bear bad fruit; a fig does not come from thorns |
6: 46-49 | To call me Lord and not to act |
7: 1-2 | End of the discourse and entry into Capernaum |
7: 3-6a | The elders of the Jews praise the centurion |
7: 6b-10 | The centurion of Capernaum and his servant |
7: 11-17 | Resuscitation of the widow's son from Nain |
7: 18-28 | Disciples of JB; message for him; praise of JB as more than a prophet |
7: 29-30 | The tax collectors justified God, not the lawyers and Pharisees |
7: 31-35 | This generation is not satisfied with either JB or the Son of Man |
7: 36-50 | The forgiven sinner |
8: 1 - 8: 3 | The female entourage of Jesus |
8: 4 - 9: 17 | Parables: the sower, explanation; Jesus' family; storm calmed; healings (a possessed person, the hemorrhaging woman, Jairus' daughter); mission of the Twelve; Herod and Jesus; feeding of the crowd |
9: 18-50 | Confession of Peter and announcement of the passion; following Jesus; transfiguration; healing of an epileptic; 2nd announcement of the passion; question of the greatest; who is not against us... |
9: 51-56 | Departure for Jerusalem, bad reception in Samaria |
9: 57-60 | The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head; follow him; let the dead bury the dead |
9: 61-62 | Following Jesus without taking leave of his family |
10: 1 | Choice of 72 to send on mission |
10: 2-12 | Abundant harvest, few workers; mission instructions |
10: 13-16 | Woe to Chorazin and Bethsaida; whoever listens to you listens to me |
10: 17-20 | Return from mission of the 72 |
10: 21-24 | Beatitude on the disciples |
10: 25 - 11: 1 | Love of God/neighbor; Good Samaritan; Martha and Mary |
11: 2-4 | The Lord's prayer |
11: 5-8 | Parable of the friend who allows himself to be bent |
11: 9-13 | Ask; the Father will give |
11: 14-15 | Demons are cast out by Beelzebub |
11: 16 | Ask for a sign from heaven |
11: 17-23 | A strong man guards his palace; not with me is against me |
11: 24-26 | An unclean spirit out of someone comes back and brings seven more |
11: 27-28 | Blessed is she who nursed Jesus |
11: 29-32 | Looking for a sign; sign of Jonah; judgment on Nineveh; queen of the south |
11: 33-35 | Do not put the lamp under the bushel; lamp of the body |
11: 36-38 | The body in the light; meal at a Pharisee's house |
11: 39-44 | Pharisee practices |
11: 45 | A lawyer feels insulted |
11: 46-48 | Woes addressed to the lawyers |
11: 49-52 | The wisdom of God; sending prophets; woes to the lawyers |
11: 53 - 12: 1 | Traps of the scribes and Pharisees; leaven of the Pharisees |
12: 2-10 | All will be revealed; testify without fear |
12: 11-12 | In the synagogues, the Holy Spirit will help |
12: 13-21 | Distance from the goods of this world |
12: 22-31 | Do not worry: birds of the air, lilies of the field |
12: 32 | Promise of the kingdom to the disciples |
12: 33-34 | No treasures on earth but in heaven |
12: 35-38 | Parable about vigilance |
12: 39-40 | Master of the house and thief |
12: 41 | Intervention of Peter: for us the parable? |
12: 42-46 | Blessed is the servant who watches |
12: 47-50 | We ask more of those who have received much; Jesus brings fire |
12: 51-53 | Jesus does not bring peace but the sword; family divisions |
12: 54-56 | Interpretation of the signs of the times |
12: 57 | Why don't you judge for yourselves |
12: 58-59 | Settle before going before the magistrate |
13: 1-17 | The urgency of conversion; barren fig tree; healing a woman |
13: 18-21 | Parable of the mustard seed; leaven in the flour |
13: 22 | Jesus teaches and goes to Jerusalem |
13: 23-29 | Narrow gate; act now; possibility of rejection at the judgment |
13: 30-33 | Pharisees warn Jesus about Herod's intentions |
13: 34-35 | Jerusalem kills prophets, must bless one who comes in the name of the Lord |
14: 1-15 | Healing of a man with edema; choosing the last place; inviting the poor |
14: 16-24 | Parable of the invitation to the great banquet |
14: 25 | Give up everything to follow Jesus |
14: 26-27 | Whoever comes must prefer me to his family and must carry a cross |
14: 28-33 | Strategy of a tower to be built or a king who goes to war |
14: 34-35 | Uselessness of salt that has lost its taste |
15: 1-3 | Reproach of welcoming sinners |
15: 4-7 | Parable about the lost sheep |
15: 8 - 16: 12 | Parables: woman with the lost coin, the lost son and the elder; the clever manager; deceitful money |
16: 13 | One cannot serve two masters |
16: 14-15 | The Pharisees mock Jesus |
16: 16-18 | It is the time of the kingdom; the Law remains; divorce |
16: 19-31 | Parable of the rich man and Lazarus |
17: 1 | Woe to the tempters |
17: 2-3a | Throw away that which causes scandal |
17: 3b-4 | Forgiving a brother; Peter: how often must we forgive? |
17: 5 | Increase faith in us |
17: 6 | Faith as a mustard seed |
17: 7-22 | The servant who does his duty; healing of 10 lepers; we cannot see the kingdom of God |
17: 23-24 | Signs of the coming of the Son of Man |
17: 25 | Rejection of Jesus by this generation |
17: 26-27 | As in the days of Noah, so will the coming of the Son of Man be |
17: 28-29 | The fate of Sodom |
17: 30 | The day of the Son of Man |
17: 31-32 | The day of judgment: do not return home |
17: 33 | He who finds his life will lose it, he who loses it will find it |
17: 34-35 | The day of judgment will discriminate against two men |
17: 36 | The day of judgment will discriminate against two women |
17: 37 | The place of the judgment |
17: 38 | The place of the vultures |
18: 1-14 | Parables (unjust judge; the Pharisee and the tax collector) |
18: 15-43 | The children; the rich man and wealth; 3rd announcement of the passion; healing of the blind man of Jericho |
19: 1-11 | Zacchaeus; proximity to Jerusalem |
19: 12-27 | Parable of the mines |
19: 28 | Jesus goes up to Jerusalem |
19: 29-40 | The entry of the Messiah King into Jerusalem |
19: 41-44 | Announcement of the punishment on Jerusalem |
19: 45 - 21: 33 | Temple vendors driven out, question about Jesus' authority, murderous vinedressers, tax due to Caesar, Sadducees and resurrection, Messiah son of David, warning against scribes, poor widow's offering, apocalyptic speech |
21: 34-38 | Call to vigilance and last days in the temple |
22: 1-14 | Conspiracy, preparation of the Passover |
22: 15-18 | A first cup |
22: 19-20 | The second cup |
22: 21-24 | Announcement of Judas' betrayal; introduction to the greatest |
22: 25-27 | The greatest must serve |
22: 28 | The disciples stayed with Jesus |
22: 29-30a | Reward for the Twelve |
22: 30b | The disciples will sit on thrones |
22: 31-32 | Warning to Peter |
22: 33-34 | Announcement of Peter's denial |
22: 35-38 | The hour of battle approaches |
22: 39 - 23: 5 | Gethsemane; arrest of Jesus; denial of Peter; Jewish and Roman trial |
23: 6-16 | Appearance before Herod and return before Pilate |
23: 17-26 | Condemnation by Pilate; Simon of Cyrene |
23: 27-32 | The women of Jerusalem weep |
23: 33-38 | The crucifixion |
23: 39-43 | The two thieves |
23: 44-56 | The death of Jesus and his burial |
24: 1-12 | The empty tomb |
24: 13-53 | The disciples of Emmaus; appearance to the Eleven; ascension to Bethany |