Etty Hillesum - Forgiveness

Les écrits d'Etty Hillesum. Journaux et lettres 1941-1943 (The writings of Etty Hillesum. Diaries and letters 1941-1943. Complete edition). Paris: Seuil, 2008, 1081 p.

[Tuesday], September 22, [1942]
One must learn to live with oneself as with a crowd of people. And then you discover all the good and bad sides of humanity within yourself. You must first learn to forgive yourself for your faults if you want to forgive others.

It is perhaps one of the most difficult things for a human being to learn, as I often observe in others (and I used to be able to observe it in myself as well, but not anymore), that of forgiving one's own mistakes, one's own faults. The first condition is to be able to accept, and to accept generously, the very fact of making mistakes and errors.

p. 728