This page presents Sundays and feasts of the Catholic liturgy over a period of three years, in reverse chronological order. A good part of these dates contain a hyperlink to an evangelical commentary


29Year C: Peter and Paul, apostles - Matthew 16: 16-19
24Year C: Nativity of John the Baptist - Luke 1: 57-66.80
22Year C: Body and Blood of Christ - Luke 9: 11-17
15Year C: Holy Trinity - John 16: 12-15
8Year C: Pentecost - John 20: 19-23
1Year C: Ascension of the Lord - Luke 24: 46-53
25Year C: 6th Sunday of Easter - John 14: 23-29
18Year C: 5th Sunday of Easter - John 13: 31-35
11Year C: 4th Sunday of Easter - John 10: 27-30
4Year C: 3rd Sunday of Easter - John 21: 1-19
27Year C: 2nd Sunday of Easter
Commentary 1 : John 20: 19-31
Commentary 2 : John 20: 19-31
20Year C: Sunday of Easter - John 20: 1-9
13Year C: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion - Luke 22: 14 - 23,56
6Year C: 5th Sunday of Lent - John 8: 1-11
30Year C: 4th Sunday of Lent - Luke 15: 1-3.11-32
23Year C: 3rd Sunday of Lent - Luke 13: 1-9
16Year C: 2nd Sunday of Lent - Luke 9: 28b-36
9Year C: 1st Sunday of Lent - Luke 4: 1-13
2Year C: 8th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 6: 39-45
23Year C: 7th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 6: 27-38
16Year C: 6th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 6: 17.20-26
9Year C: 5th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 5: 1-11
2Year B: Presentation of the Lord - Luke 2: 22-40
26Year C: 3rd Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 1: 1-4; 4: 14-21
19Year C: 2nd Sunday of ordinary time - John 2: 1-11
12Year C: Baptism of the Lord - Luke 3: 15-16.21-22
5Year C: Epiphany of the Lord - Matthew 2: 1-12
1Year C: Mary, Mother of God - Luke 2: 16-21


29Year C: Holy Family - Luke 2: 41-52
25Year C: Christmas - John 1: 1-18
22Year C: 4th Sunday of Advent - Luke 1: 39-45
15Year C: 3rd Sunday of Advent - Luke 3: 10-18
8Year C: 2nd Sunday of Advent
Commentary 1 : Luke 3: 1-6
Commentary 2 : Luke 3: 1-6
1Year C: 1st Sunday of Advent - Luke 21: 25-28.34-36
24Year B: Christ the King - John 18: 33-38
17Year B: 33rd Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 13: 24-32
10Year B: 32nd Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 12: 38-44
3Year B: 31st Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 12: 28-34
1Year B: All Saints - Matthew 5: 1-12a
27Year B: 30th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 10: 46-52
20Year B: 29th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 10: 35-45
13Year B: 28th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 10: 17-30
6Year B: 27th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 10: 2-16
29Year B: 26th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 9: 38-43.45.47-48
22Year B: 25th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 9: 30-37
15Year B: 24th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 8: 27-35
14Year B: Exaltation of the Holy Cross - John 3: 13-17
8Year B: 23rd Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 7: 31-37
1Year B: 22nd Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 7: 1-8.14-15.21-23
25Year B: 21st Sunday of ordinary time - John 6: 60-69
18Year B: 20th Sunday of ordinary time - Jn 6: 51-58
15YearB: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Luke 1: 39-56
11Year B: 19th Sunday of ordinary time - John 6: 41-51
6Transfiguration of the Lord - Mark 9: 2-10
4Year B: 18th Sunday of ordinary time - John 6: 24-35
28Year B: 17th Sunday of ordinary time - John 6: 1-15
21Year B: 16th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 6: 30-34
14Year B: 15th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 6: 7-13
7Year B: 14th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 6: 1-6
30Year B: 13th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 5: 21-43
24Year B: Nativity of John the Baptist - Luke 1: 57-66.80
23Year B: 12th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 4: 35-41
16Year B: 11th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 4: 26-34
9Year B: 10th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 3: 20-35
2Year B: Body and Blood of Christ - Mark 14: 12-16,22-26
26Year B: Holy Trinity - Matthew 28: 16-20
19Year B: Pentecost - John 15: 26-27; 16: 12-15
12Year B: Ascension of the Lord - Mark 16: 15-20
5Year B: 6th Sunday of Easter - John 15: 9-17
28Year B: 5th Sunday of Easter - John 15: 1-8
21Year B: 4th Sunday of Easter - John 10: 11-18
14Year B: 3rd Sunday of Easter - Luke 24: 35-48
7Year B: 2nd Sunday of Easter
Commentary 1 : John 20: 19-31
Commentary 2 : John 20: 19-31
31Year B: Sunday of Easter - John 20: 1-9
24Year B: Palms Sunday of the Lord's Passion - Mark 14: 1 - 15: 47
17Year B: 5th Sunday of Lent - John 12: 20-33
10Year B: 4th Sunday of Lent - John 3: 14-21
3Year B: 3rd Sunday of Lent - John 2: 13-25
25Year B: 2nd Sunday of Lent - Mark 9: 2-10
18Year B: 1st Sunday of Lent - Mark 1: 12-15
11Year B: 6th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 1: 40-45
4Year B: 5th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 1: 29-39
28Year B: 4th Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 1: 21-28
21Year B: 3rd Sunday of ordinary time - Mark 1: 14-20
14Year B: 2nd Sunday of ordinary time - John 1: 35-42
8Year B: Baptism of the Lord - Mark 1: 7-11
7Year B: Epiphany of the Lord
Commentary 1 : Matthew 2: 1-12
Commentary 2 : Matthew 2: 1-12
1Year B: Mary, Mother of God - Luke 2: 16-21


31Year B: Holy Family - Luke 2: 22-40
25Year B: Christmas - John 1: 1-18
24Year B: 4th Sunday of Advent - Luke 1: 26-38
17Year B: 3rd Sunday of Advent - John 1: 6-8.19-28
10Year B: 2nd Sunday of Advent - Mark 1: 1-8
3Year B: 1st Sunday of Advent - Mark 13: 33-37
26Year A: Christ the King - Matthew 25: 31-46
19Year A: 33rd Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 25: 14-30
12 Year A: 32nd Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 25: 1-13
9Year A: Dedication of Latran Basilica - John 2: 13-22
5Year A: 31st Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 23: 1-12
2Year A: Commemoration Of All The Faithful Departed - John 6: 37-40
1Year A: All Saints - Mt 5: 1-12
29Year A: 30th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 22: 34-40
22Year A: 29th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 22: 15-21
15Year A: 28th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 22: 1-14
8Year A: 27th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 21: 33-43
1Year A: 26th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 21: 28-32
24Year A: 25th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 20: 1-16a
17Year A: 24th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 18: 21-35
14Year A: Exaltation of the Holy Cross - John 3: 13-17
10Year A: 23rd Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 18: 15-20
3Year A: 22nd Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 16: 21-27
27Year A: 21st Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 16: 13-20
20Year A: 20th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 15: 21-28
13Year A: 19th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 14: 22-33
6Transfiguration of the Lord - Matthew 17: 1-9
30Year A: 17th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 13: 44-52
23Year A: 16th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 13: 24-43
16Year A: 15th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 13: 1-23
9Year A: 14th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 11: 25-30
2Year A: 13th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 10: 37-42
29Year A: Peter and Paul, apostles - Matthew 16: 16-19
25Year A: 12th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 10: 26-33
18Year A: 11th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 9: 36 - 10: 8
11Year A: Body and Blood of Christ - John 6: 51-58
4Year A: Holy Trinity - John 3: 16-18
28Year A: Pentecost - John 20: 19-23
21Year A: Ascension of the Lord - Matthew 28: 16-20
14Year A: 6th Sunday of Easter - John 14: 15-21
7Year A: 5th Sunday of Easter - John 14: 1-12
30Year A: 4th Sunday of Easter - John 10: 1-10
23Year A: 3rd Sunday of Easter - Luke 24: 13-35
16Year A: 2nd Sunday of Easter
Commentary 1 : John 20: 19-31
Commentary 2 : John 20: 19-31
9Year A: Easter - John 20: 1-9
2Year A: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion - Matthew 26: 14 - 27: 66
26Year A: 5th Sunday of Lent - John 11: 1-45
19Year A: 4th Sunday of Lent - John 9: 1-41
12Year A: 3rd Sunday of Lent - John 4: 5-42
5Year A: 2nd Sunday of Lent - Matthew 17: 1-9
26Year A: 1st Sunday of Lent - Matthew 4: 1-11
19Year A: 7th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 5: 38-48
12Year A: 6th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 5: 17-37
5Year A: 5th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 5: 13-16
2Year A: Presentation of the Lord - Luke 2: 22-40
29Year A: 4th Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 5: 1-12a
22Year A: 3rd Sunday of ordinary time - Matthew 4: 12-23
15Year A: 2nd Sunday of ordinary time - John 1: 29-34
9Year A: Baptism of the Lord - Matthew 3: 13-17
8Year A: Epiphany of the Lord - Matthew 2: 1-12
1Year A: Mary, mother of God - Luke 2: 16-21


30Year A: Holy Family - Matthew 2: 13-23
25Year A: Chistmas - John 1: 1-18
18Year A: 4th Sunday of Advent - Matthew 1: 18-24
11Year A: 3rd Sunday of Advent - Matthew 11: 2-11
4Year A: 2nd Sunday of Advent - Matthew 3: 1-12
27Year A: 1st Sunday of Advent - Matthew 24: 37-44
20Year C: Christ the King - Luke 23: 35-43
13Year C: 33rd Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 21: 5-19
6Year C: 32nd Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 20: 27-38
30Year C: 31st Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 19: 1-10
23Year C: 30th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 18: 9-14
16Year C: 29th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 18: 1-8
9Year C: 28th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 17: 11-19
2Year C: 27th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 17: 5-10
25Year C: 26th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 16: 19-31
18Year C: 25th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 16: 1-13
11Year C: 24th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 15: 1-32
4Year C: 23rd Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 14: 25-33
28Year C: 22nd Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 14: 1a.7-14
21Year C: 21st Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 13: 22-30
15Year C: Assumption of Mary - Luke 1: 39-56
14Year C: 20th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 12: 49-53
7Year C: 19th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 12: 32-48
31Year C: 18th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 12: 13-21
24Year C: 17th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 11: 1-13
17Year C: 16th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 10: 38-42
10Year C: 15th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 10: 25-37
3Year C: 14th Sunday of ordinary time - Luke 10: 1-12.17-20